
I am a fourth year Ph.D. student under the supervision of Dr. Subbarao Kambhampati in Yochan Lab at the School of Computing & AI, Arizona State University. I completed my undergraduate studies majoring in Computer Science from Delhi Technological University, India. In the past, I have worked and collaborated with research groups at IIIT, Delhi and IIT, Madras focusing on the topics of Preference-based Reinforcement Learning and Adversarial Machine Learning.

My current research interests inlcude making AI models explainable, interpretable and secure; along with learning to incorporate human behavior and preferences. The goal of my research is to advance the field of Human-Aware Artificial Intelligence (HAAI). My primary research interests lie in developing Embodied AI agents using Reinforcement & Preference-based Learning (or RLHF) and Large Language Models (LLMs).


  • I will be joining the Augmented Learning and Reasoning group at Microsoft Research, Redmond as a Research Intern for Summer 2024.
  • Our work on Theory of Mind abilities in Large Language Models was accepted at HRI 2024.